La Befana di Latera sòna e canta

Racconti, suoni e immagini (The Befana of Latera plays and sings. Tales, sounds and pictures)

Author: Marco D’Aureli
Editor: Davide Ghaleb Editore
Year: 2021


La Befana di Latera sòna e canta. Racconti, suoni e immagini (the Befana of Latera plays and sings. Tales, sounds and pictures) is the result of field research conducted between 2020 and 2022 with the goal to gather testimonies, memories and pictures of the Befana of Latera; a traveling group of singing “beggars'' that visit the streets of Latera on the afternoon of January 5th. The Befana and her spouse, Count Buonumor, escorted by the butler, go door to door to wish people a happy new year and to collect offers which will later be used to organize a big dinner that everyone who took part in the celebrations is invited to. The aforementioned characters are always accompanied by a large group of musicians playing songs from the popular repertoire and befanotti who sing and collect the gifts received. The book offers a recollection of tales and images from both the Museum’s archives and the people interviewed.