Orsorella e gli altri

Fiabe lateresi raccontate da Pietro Moretti (Orsorella and the others. Tales from Latera narrated by Pietro Moretti)

Author: edited by Marco D’Aureli
Editor: Davide Ghaleb Editore
Year: 2012


Orsorella e gli altri. Fiabe Lateresi raccontate da Pietro Moretti (Orsorella and the others. Tales from Latera narrated by Pietro Moretti). Orsorella, Brunetto and the talking piglet are the protagonists of this collection of tales recorded in Latera at the end of the 90’s / early 00’s. The sole narrator is Pietro Moretti, a day laborer from Latera born in 1929. Pietro is the heir of a rich repertoire of stories narrated to him by his mother, who had in turn heard them from her own mother, Pietro’s grandmother.
The meeting that led to the creation of this book, published in 2012, happened during the first edition of the Banca del Racconto project, sponsored by the Arci di Viterbo. Antonello Ricci and Alfonso Prota listened to Pietro’s tales, recorded them and curated the restitution of these stories to the public during a public event held at the Museo della terra. The idea to work on this book was born during this very event.